The Croatian nationality law provides 4 paths to becoming a Croatian citizen. Each path comes a special set of requirements that must be met in order to get Croatian citizenship.

CDC works with people around the world who want to know how to obtain Croatian citizenship. We assist our clients through a set of dual citizenship services. That means there’s help for you no matter your path to getting Croatian citizenship.

We also offer free consultations for those curious about their own path to help them confirm which path is the most efficient for them to apply.

If you have Croatian heritage, becoming a Croatian citizen by descent tends to be the easiest and most convenient path for most people.

Contact us to schedule a call with one of our Croatian citizenship experts if you have questions about your eligibility or the process of getting Croatian citizenship.

How to get Croatian citizenship

How to Obtain Croatian Citizenship: 4 Ways

There are four main paths to obtaining Croatian citizenship. Find the one that best matches your situation to determine your requirements.

PATH 1: Citizenship by Descent/Ancestry

PATH 2: Marriage to a Croatian Citizen

PATH 3: Naturalization Based on Residence

This is the most versatile simply by being the most open to anyone, but it also takes the longest to complete. As long as you can meet the rather lengthy residency requirements, you can most likely become a Croatian citizen—making this the most accessible path.

  • Minimum continuous residence of 8 years
  • Permanent residence status
  • Proficiency in Croatian language
  • Knowledge of Croatian culture and social structure
  • Clean criminal record
  • No outstanding tax obligations

PATH 4: Special Interest to Croatia

Though rare, in special circumstances the government of Croatia may find it beneficial to quickly usher you into citizenship.

  • Significant cultural, economic, or scientific contributions
  • Expedited process
  • Language requirements may be waived
  • Discretionary approval by relevant ministries

How to Become Croatian Citizen Documentation Requirements

Croatian citizenship, like any other similar process around the world, requires plenty of proper documentation. If you are considering applying, be sure you can provide documents in the following categories.

Basic Documentation:

  • Completed application form
  • Curriculum vitae in Croatian
  • Birth certificate
  • Marriage certificate (if applicable)
  • Current passport copy
  • Proof of current citizenship
  • Criminal background check
  • Recent photographs

Additional Documents by Category:

  • Residence permits (for naturalization)
  • Marriage certificates (for spousal applications)
  • Ancestral documentation (for descent applications)
  • Professional credentials (for special interest cases)

If the documentation requirements are a bit confusing, you are not alone! Many people struggle to find the right documents, arrange them in the proper order (including appropriately translating and apostilling them), and submit them correctly.

That’s why we made this guide on documentation for Croatian citizenship.

Language and Cultural Knowledge Requirements

Obtaining Croatian citizenship means grasping the language and culture. These are fundamental elements of your membership in the country, and so the government will provide testing to see if you have an adequate understanding.

That’s why you’ll undergo a cultural questionnaire before a police official to test your appreciation of Croatian society and history. You’ll need to submit an approved language test showing proficiency in Croatian.

Standard Requirements:

  • Written and spoken Croatian proficiency
  • Knowledge of Croatian culture
  • Understanding of social structure
  • Basic constitutional knowledge

Exemptions Apply To:

  • Persons over 60 years old
  • Citizenship by descent applicants
  • Special interest cases (discretionary)
  • Certain humanitarian cases

How to Become a Citizen of Croatia - Application Process

The journey of how to get Croatian citizenship involves several steps:

  1. Initial Assessment
    1. Determine eligibility pathway
    2. Gather required documentation
    3. Verify document authenticity
  2. Application Submission
    1. In-person filing at nearest MUP station (if you live in Croatia)
    2. Through Croatian embassy/consulate (if you live abroad)
    3. Special provisions for disabled applicants
  3. Processing Period
    1. Standard processing: 12-24 months
    2. Expedited cases: 6-12 months
    3. Additional time for document verification
  4. Post-Approval Steps
    1. Citizenship ceremony (if required)
    2. Registration in Croatian citizen registry
    3. Application for Croatian documents


How to Obtain Croatian Citizenship for Children Under 18

Minors under 18 years old can get Croatian citizenship through:

  • Both parents’ naturalization
  • One parent’s naturalization if residing in Croatia
  • Special provisions for stateless children

Obtaining Croatian Citizenship for Returning Emigrants

Modified requirements include:

  • Simplified documentation process
  • Potential waiver of residence requirements
  • Special consideration for cultural ties

Help Getting Croatian Citizenship

While the requirements for getting Croatian citizenship may seem overwhelming, understanding your eligibility pathway and preparing proper documentation are key steps in a successful application.

And the best way to complete those key steps? With help from experts.

CDC is now offering personalized help starting with a totally free consultation call. On that call, we will review your details, find the best track to citizenship, and outline your best way forward.

Then, we can work together to simplify this process—even in cases with missing documentation or other difficulties. Whatever your issues are, CDC can help.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to obtain Croatian citizenship?

You’re looking at a process that will take about 12 to 24 months from submission to approval. That’s as long as everything goes smoothly. Complex cases, obviously, can lead to delays, and any missed appointments or snags along the way will only lengthen the processing time.

Yes, absolutely! Croatia is a country that allows dual citizenship—just the US.

Expect administrative fees in the range of €100-300. But that’s just administrative. You’ll also need to pay for document translation, certification, and legal assistance.

Citizenship, once granted, is permanent. That means you don’t have to live in Croatia to maintain it.

This page was last updated with help by Marco Permunian

Do You Qualify?

Interested in learning if you qualify for Croatian citizenship by descent? Contact us for a free phone consultation to help confirm your eligibility.